Sunday, 22 February 2009

Water Margin City - 水浒城

“水浒城”是中央电视台为拍摄大型电视连续剧《水浒传》而规划的仿宋建筑 、埸景集群,是无锡太湖影视城继唐城、欧洲城、三国城之后,向“东方好来坞” 目标迈进的又一重大举措。

Water Margin City is a CCTV (China Central Television) filming location. it was built in Wuxi, and it is located just next to tai hu. to shoot the drama serial water margin. the city was built in the typical han dynasty's style to shoot the drama serial water margin. now, it is use as a tourist location as well as for filming purposes. by the way, this is a rated 5A National Tourist Attraction.

my family visited this place during the valentine day. the place was pretty empty, could be due to the current weather. it has various sections in the city. there are horse ride, carmel ride, stages for performance.

it was quite empty in the city. this picture was stitched with about 10 other pictures taken from an elevated location.

carmel ride. for a short 5 mins ride, it costs 10rmb, how is the mm on the carmel? anyhow, we saw another couple felt from this carmel. before the fall, the lady was talking a lot instructing the person who is leading the carmel to go here and there. i believe the carmel get angry and went a little crazy to tell the lady to shutup. they broke a frame that they bought.

a filming going on. cannot get nearer as they were filming a fighting scene.

a family performing acrobatic stunts, this is very similar to old time street performance. after the performance, the performer would collect money from the audience.

it costs 50rmb to get into the water margin city, you could purchase a combination ticket to visit all three cities namely the three kingdom city, tang city and water margin city. i would recommend that if you wish to visit all 3 cities, please be there early so that you will have time to cover them.


Anonymous said...

Been to this place once, many years ago. Looking at the pictures bring back memories. Enjoy your stay in Suzhou.

AikPeng said...

few years time, i will have the same memories as you. time is short. i will be heading back to singapore in couple of months time.