Sunday, 1 February 2009

Rejecting Rejection

no, i am not being rejected...

2 weeks back, i was reading the Today online from singapore, i came across an interesting article by columnist Nury Vittachi. he talked about the current economy and how to deal with it especially when you are looking for a job after being retrenched or fresh from school.

this is what he suggested to his jobless friend. reject the rejection letter and he provided a template that anyone could use.

the sample letter, click to enlarge

then, he continue telling if sending out the above letter guarantee you a job? and provided 3 possible reactions to the rejection.

1. they won't get it and ignore it. those are the firms you wouldn't want to work for.
2. they'll be so confused, they'll expect you to turn up on monday, and they'll prepare a desk for you.
3. they'll enjoy your sense of humour, thanks you for the laugh, and contact you when a job needing a sharp mind become available.

i would like to share it with you guys and you may want to try it out if you are in the situation.

have fun with the rejecting the rejection letter.


Unknown said...

Hilarious! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Will probably do a short writeup about this issue sometime this coming week and will link back to your post.


AikPeng said...

no problem, i thought it is good to share with many other.