keith had been requesting to cycle with him for the past week. as i see that it it was Christmas holiday, so let go and cycle. for the past rides, it had been always on the pedestrian path. today, it was a little different. i brought him to where the future punggol park connector. it is still under construction so it is a good training for him.
Check out the nice scenery. once completed, it will be very nice greenery for jogger and leisure cyclists.
almost completed path. the tarmac already laid.
no tarmac yet, but this will a good path for mountain bike.
keith resting under shade after cycling
Great pics and love the last pic of the budding cyclist.
Great pics and love the last pic of the budding cyclist.
Great pics and I love the last pic of the budding cyclist...
and I have no idea why Blogger ate this comment previously.
thanks jenny.
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