keith had been requesting to cycle with him for the past week. as i see that it it was Christmas holiday, so let go and cycle. for the past rides, it had been always on the pedestrian path. today, it was a little different. i brought him to where the future punggol park connector. it is still under construction so it is a good training for him.
Check out the nice scenery. once completed, it will be very nice greenery for jogger and leisure cyclists.
almost completed path. the tarmac already laid.
no tarmac yet, but this will a good path for mountain bike.
I was reading this book about Father and Son Growing Up Together recently. I find that it is very useful. I have read only about one-tenth of it till now but I am picking up some of the skill or thing that I can apply for myself. There is this very interesting chapter I will now share with you all.
It was rather late in the evening when dad reached home after work. Dad was rather tire and in a lousy mood. Now, dad found out that his son is waiting for him at the door.
“Can I ask you a question, daddy?” ask his son.
“What is the question?” reply daddy
“How much do you earn per hour?”
“That is none of your business, why do you care?” reply angrily
“I just want to know.” his son looking into his daddy’s eye “Please tell me.”
“Well, if you insist” replying rather unwilling, “I earn $20 per hour”
“Oh.” Son was rather down with the answer.
After a while, son raised his head and asked his daddy “Can I borrow $10?”
Dad was furious, “Now, you listen! If you want to borrow money from me to buy unnecessary toy, please get back to your room and think through. Do not be so selfish. I spend my time working so hard. Now I need to rest, do not disturb me.”
After getting a trashing from the dad, son quietly walked to his room and closed the door lightly.
After the son left, the daddy was still angry. After a while, the daddy cool down and think. Why his son is asking money from him? Was he too hard on his son? He walked to his son room and knocked on the door. “Have you slept?”
“No, I am still awake.”
“Son, I am sorry I was a little harsh a while ago. Here is your $10”
The son accepted the money and quickly took out some crumble note below his pillow and started counting.
Dad was puzzled and ask “You already have money, why do you ask some more?”
“Dad, here is $20. I will need to buy an hour of your time for tomorrow dinner, could you have dinner with me” said the son.
Dad was very stunned and shocked but promised his son that he will have dinner with him tomorrow.
I was very touched and tell myself I will spend more time with my son. I did after reading this. I spent at least an hour with my son chatting, playing board games, watching TV programs or coaching him for the last 3 days. I hope I am able to continue this effort forever and not neglect my son.
If you are father, do spend time with your kids. Do not neglect them. They need your love and time.