Monday, 7 September 2009

Gan Bei - 干杯

Once a Chinese and an English man went to the restaurant.

They begin to tuck into their food. The Chinese man lifts his glass up and makes a toast to the Englishman
"Gan Bei" (Cheers). The English man was confused but he continues eating.

This happens a few times and whenever the Chinese man wanted to drink he would always say "Gan Bei"

The English man only nods and silently continues to drink and eat again.  Not so long after the Chinese man says it again, "Gan Bei" while he is lifting up his glass.

This time, the English man puts his cutlery down and angrily said to the Chinese man " It's all right if you CAN'T PAY!" I will pay! So just shut up".



Anonymous said...

Lovely post! Dropping by...

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selina said...
