suzhou has many constructions going on. especially in the SIP area where apartment and factories are build to cater for more workers.
while travelling to the garden, i pass by this abandoned bridge. suzhou has many bridges. i quite like this as it looks like very ancient and it stand out from the bare land. the bridge could be more than few hundreds year old. i did not manage to find anything that indicate it age but who knows.a close up view of the bridge, it looks like it has gone through a few wars. the Chinese are clever, they advertised by painting their number on the bridge.
the garden was very empty and i feel rather sad or 凄凉.
i like this picture. it looked like the sun in the background but it was not. make a give what was that.
finally, before leaving the garden, took a picture of a loving couple strolling toward the exit.
i would be visiting this place again in spring time. i bet it will be more lively with more people and activities.